Saturday, 12 July
For our first training session at Velocity, we did three miles. Route to Cartwright, then left at Southminster Presbyterian Church, through the parking lot, and on about 1/3 of the way up Brightwater. Then turn around and come back. I started off at 3:1 (run 3 minutes, walk 1 minute), then slowed to 1:1 after the second mile. I am carrying a water bottle with me, the type that has a strap to help you hold it. The strap has a little storage pocket for your cell phone, money or bourbon, whatever you might need at a moment's notice. I had put on sunscreen before I left the house, and noted that sweat, in combination with the sunscreen, made for a really slick hold on the bottle. Running produces a lot more sweat than walking ever did. I was soaked by the end of the run, and missed having a beach towel to dry of with and sit on during the presentation. 38 min total, so about 13 min/mile.
Monday, 14 July
6:00 a.m. Spin class at 24 Hr Fitness with a substitute for Alison (who has gotten married and is on her honeymoon). About 1 hour, good instructor, interested mix of music. Lots of out-of-the-saddle riding. I wore some new bike shorts that I bought at Academy--$27. Didn't like them too much. A bargain is not always a bargain.
Wednesday 16 July
6:00 a.m. Spin Class with Kat at 24 Hr Fitness. Always a good ride with Kat. About 1 hr. Had started to wear another new set of bike shorts I got at REI, they were more expensive than Academy's, $40 I think (on sale) but they were even more uncomfortable than the ones from Academy. More expensive is not necessarily good. I wore my old shorts instead, which I need to replace because they are getting worn out after 5 years of use.
Saturday, 19 July
Four miles today, route from Velocity north on Dulles to the Oyster Creek Park entrance, then up and around the loop at the main part of the park (where the tent and the pond is) and back out to Dulles and back to Velocity. Started at 3:1, then dropped to 2:1 after about the 2nd mile, then 1.5:1, and maybe even some 1:1s, but who's counting? Ha, ha! I mean "Hoo Yah!" (the Fort Bend Fit official yell, which you use to greet all those FBF members you see on the trail (not "Boo Yah", or "Who Ya", or anything else, but "Hoo Yah"). Sweating buckets, really glad I have the hydration bottle with me. 51 min 34 sec, about 13 min/mile
see ya on the road,
The Dustinator
The HOA really hates us, I think.
Just a quick note from the front-lines of our strange, ongoing battle with
our Home Owner’s Association, who doesn’t think year-round
12-foot-skeletons are...
3 days ago
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